Beginner Skater, Here Are Some Ideas for Overcoming Fear!

Although there is a perception that skateboarding is among the riskiest sports, the truth is that every physical activity carries its own set of risks. The good news is that you can take steps to make it safer, increase enjoyment, and have the best skating experience imaginable. As a result, skating can become a great pastime activity even for people other than teenagers, as parents could enjoy it alongside their kids.

How Do I Stop Being Scared When Skating?

picture of a person skateboarding on street with protective gear

First, realise your fear is legitimate, especially if you’re new to this sport. You’re no exception, as most beginners go through such fears themselves. This is sure to give you at least a bit of peace of mind.

Then, to further work on your fear, you can do something about it. These are some ideas you could try out:

Get the Suitable Protection

The skateboard isn’t the only piece of equipment— there’s also the protective gear. And that’s not only because you’re obliged by law to wear it in some states. Safety is of the utmost importance when you’re out skateboarding, so you need a durable skateboard helmet designed to absorb impact from falls and collisions.

Not wearing one exposes you to risks of accidents that could lead to brain injuries or even death. To avoid this, you need to focus on finding a helmet in the ideal size and fit and made specifically for skateboarding. If you don’t know your size, measure up starting from your forehead and going around the back of your head, wrapping it with the measuring tape.

Try not to overstretch the tape, and mark where it overlaps. Then see which numbers you get and look them up in the sizing chart of the product if you’re shopping online. Another aspect you ought to focus on when purchasing a suitable skateboard helmet is the material it’s made of and whether it’s certified and complies with the safety AS/NZS 2063:2008 standard.

picture of a men skateboarding with protective gear

Sure, the uncertified models can provide you with some level of protection at a lower price, but if you want to get something equally supportive and comfortable, buy a certified one. Choose from the single-impact (made for one impact only) and multi-impact heavy-duty designs that can be several times more protective than the regular alternative.

In terms of style, you have the classic and the full-cut skate helmet. The first covers the head less than the latter due to the lack of coverage for the ears and neck. As a beginner, you’d also benefit from getting a nice pair of wrist guards and elbow and knee pads.

Sure, breaking a few bones may not be as serious as getting a head injury, but it would still be painful and take a long time to heal, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. These pieces of gear are designed to offer enough coverage to protect these areas from impact and twisting, as well as friction burns when you get in touch with the ground. If you plan on wearing them seamlessly under longer clothes, you might prefer the sleeve pad design over the standard.

Wear the Appropriate Clothes and Shoes

picture of person skateboarding down the street with protective gear

Dressing for the sport is another strategic move that can lower the risk of falls and injuries, so it shouldn’t be overlooked when conquering your fear. Inappropriate clothing pieces can slow you down and restrict your movements, resulting in a fall. What clothes should you wear while skateboarding?

The comfortable clothes the pro skaters are wearing. Basically, anything that’s durable, breathable, and above all flexible so it won’t block your range of motions in the arms and legs. Tops like t-shirts, tanks, and hoodies are absolute musts, as are shorts. If you prefer pants, as some skaters do for the extra protection they offer for the shin area, pick out models that are a looser fit so you can wear them with the guards and pads underneath.

Just like wearing clothes that are the right fit and size, you also need to be mindful of the footwear. While sneakers are ideal for the job, it’s important to choose ones that are impact-resistant (suede rather than canvas), durable, comfortable, supportive, breathable, and provide a good board feel, which is especially important if you like to do tricks with your board. A model with a seamless sole and insole connection is ideal for the perfect amount of grip.


picture of a girl skateboarding in a park

Yes, you read that right. To make the most of the sport, gain more confidence in your moves, get the courage to do some more tricks, and enhance your skill without the fear of falling, you need to master the sport as best you can by doing all the practice. Even by practising, one falls. It’s all about technique because knowing how to fall means you suffer the least injuries.

Also, do this by wearing suitable protection in the form of a skateboard helmet plus wrist guards, elbow and knee pads, and using them wisely in your falls. For instance, when practising skating on ramps, it would be handy to learn how to fall on your knees with the pads and then slide your way down.

Working on your mind helps too. Sometimes you may not believe you are capable of a particular move and thus fail, not realising your mind was to blame in the first place. Avoid doing this and imagine doing all the tricks and turns prior to doing them so you’ll know what to expect and get the motivation to do it. Mental imagery is everything, as even great athletes rely on it!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.