Ideas for Creating Your Garden Oasis in a Small Urban Space

Plants are particularly important in crowded urban areas – they soften the hard lines of concrete buildings and lift people’s spirits with their lively colours and soft scents. Certain plants, such as shrubs and hedges, can be also quite effective in reducing noise from traffic and neighbors, which makes them ideal for hectic city areas. And the best thing about them is that even the smallest urban spaces can be transformed into beautiful gardens with a couple of planter boxes and small trees. Here are some ideas and tips to help you create your own metropolitan garden oasis.


Find a Place for Your Plants

Walls, balconies, the side of the fence…all these are great spaces to ornament with flowers. Use trailers and creepers to adorn high spaces and get blooms up high with containers like window boxes, baskets, and wall mangers. Pots are great for small trees, whereas flowering bedding plants can be moved around easily, making your small garden much easier to maintain and ornament.

Tip: When growing plants in pots and containers, you will need to pay special attention to the soil you use. The soil from yards is often too dense to use in a pot, so instead, you should use a good potting mix – a great lightweight alternative. The best thing about using a potting mix is that it has the right blend of ingredients, ensures proper drainage and enough space for airflow, providing plants with all the nutrients they need to thrive.


Keep it Bright

Choosing bright-colored plants will help make your small garden appear lighter and bigger. Bright foliage, golden or sandy colours, and green trees are all good choices to design your perfect urban oasis. Tip: Hot flower colours, like red and pink, will make your space feel more intimate, while cool colours, like blue and purple, will make it appear larger.

Add Trees

Adding trees to your small garden is a great way to add height and privacy to the area. Tip: Canopy trees are a great option to give a leafy roof to your garden without taking up too much space on the ground.

Choose Furniture Wisely

When shopping for outdoor furniture, choose chairs and tables that can be folded and put away when not used. This will help make your garden more minimalist and better organized. There is no point in having a large dining set that will take up the entire space in your already small garden.

Create an Atmosphere

Some of the most enjoyable bars and restaurants are the ones that have an intimate, cozy atmosphere, so why not go for this vibe for your urban garden too? Use candles, string lights and even a wood-burning fire pit (if your space allows it) to enhance your al fresco experience.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.